Monday, March 24, 2014

DIY Face and body lotion

My lotion switch was a result of reading the ingredient list on face/body lotion and finding, nestled among the unpronounceables, alcohol.  In my naivete, I wondered why a substance that is drying would be included in something intended to moisturize.  Perhaps as an antibacterial agent?  Maybe so we use more lotion once it soaks in?  Whatever the reason, I figured leaving it out and having a reasonable expectation of shelf-life would be a good alternative.  This recipe is amazing!  It is a little shiny at first, but that usually goes away before I leave the house.

Face and body lotion
1/8 tsp baking soda
1.4 c distilled or boiled water
½ c light unrefined oil, like almond, sunflower, canola or olive
1 tbsp grated beeswax

1.     Dissolve baking soda in a saucepan
2.     Mix oil and beeswax in a double boiler and heat slowly until melted.  Put water and baking soda in another pan until it reaches a similar temperature (100 degrees or so).

3.     Mix everything together and cool, stirring occasionally.  It will become cloudy as it cools.

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